February 25, 2013

Monday Madness

It's been awhile since I have done a blog post.

So here is a little bit of Monday Madness.

Tracey from Four Frogs on a Log and My Obsession is back on deck after picking up her family and relocating to there new Island Home (so is that song now going through your head) but with the relocation there is also change on Tracey's business point. It's business as usual with lots of great handmade goodness and also her sewing supplies. But the change is the new business name.
In loving memory of Tracey's mum the new business name is Gypsy Jean Creative
Your embroidery machine will love you more if you use Isacord threads.
Use Tracey's DorTak over-locking threads when you want a quality finish with your over locker.
How awesome is this JoJo Tote direct from Tracey's sewing studio.... It comes in 2 sizes and the one on the left is on it's way to Frillys House now......  :)
Small nappy pouch made by Tracey.

Tracey, has also joined the OZ team... Helping with our FB page and our monthly newsletter. So make sure you are registered to receive our newsletter. Don't forget to add us to your address book so we don't end up in your junk folder.

Have an awesome Monday


October 15, 2012


This as a small business is the hardest thing to decide to do.

There are so many factors when deciding to advertise your business.
Where do you advertise?
Will I get value for money?
How do I know it's the right place for my business to advertise.

In the time I have been CEO of OZ Handmade, this has been the hardest thing for me. I can tell you I have wasted some serious big bickies $$$$ so far.

At the moment I am currently paying for advertising with
The Mummy Tree and Promoting Australian Small Business.

I also have links on True local, Crafty Mama's Fabrics, Two Little Blue Birds, Handmade HQ(mums who make) I have also advertised with Handmade Kids and will again shortly.

It's hard to find a balance with the hard earned cash $$ and we don't want to just throw it away.

So do you have some advertising tips or even some where that you have advertised and found it value for $$ and would like to share, either comment below or email me at admin@ozhandmade.com.au and I will include your tips or recommendations in my next blog post with a link to your business.

Oh and watch this space for a little surprise happening a little later in the week.
Something Mad is happening.

October 12, 2012

Business's in Focus.

This week, I have been playing a bit and working out what get's FaceBooks attention and what likers get to see and what they don't.

Since paying for an Ad on FB I have noticed a huge reduction in how many of our likers see our posts.

So we have started a daily business in focus post and I am pleased to say that the number of likers seeing posts in their new feeds has increased.

So this weeks business in focus so far has been.

Four Frogs On A Log

October 9, 2012

Hitting Back!!

A few weeks ago I did an ad on Face Book for OZ Handmade and thought I would see how it would go, and if it was a good avenue for advertising.

On average 300-500 people were seeing my posts on the FB page and of the 3000 likers, I thought we will see what the ad will do. If it would bump that up a little.

It couldn't hurt right?

I did the ad over a weekend, it ended up costing about $20, for the weekend. Which I thought would be okay if it would boost OZ Handmade in the virtual world.

So for $20 we got 3 more likers and 8 clicks on the website.  Hmmmm

Not to sure that makes me happy...  That was also with no extra sales for the stores!

So I thought well, that was an exercise I have done it and not sure I will do it again.

BUT.............   to my horror
Since doing the ad, the average people now seeing my posts on the OZ Handmade facebook page has dropped and as yet we have not gone over 150 people seeing the posts.

So the moral to the story, don't do ad's keep doing what you are doing.

At the end of the day they want you paying to promote and to do ad's, but FB I am sorry I wont be doing either again.

Unless I get a voucher to do so again :)

Have a great day

October 6, 2012

Day 5 and pinterest.......

Do you pin?

I do and  you can find me here,
I pin a mixture of things for the home, to the current things you can find in our stores.

I normally pin, every morning and every night when I get into bed from my phone to catch up on the daily events and what those over the oceans have been up to while I have been sleeping. At the moment I am pinned gift ideas for Christmas.

Here are a few of the things I like.

Sadieandlance: Tutorial: Christmas Tree Bunting

Quilted coasters

these are coasters

 adorable Advent calendar!

I think I am catching up on Blogtoberfest...

Until tomorrow